Elizabeth's Audio Story

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Elizabeth and I take the first - and biggest - step in making her personal audio story, as we talk in depth about her decision to leave the Mormon (LDS) Church, what she wants her siblings to know and what she hopes for the future.

1.  Why did you leave the church?
2. What do you want your sblinds to know about your dad? 
3. What's not true?
4. How does it feel to be not beleived?
5. Did you get the answrs from God?
6. Do you want your siblings to keep seeking?
7. What else about your leaving the church?
8. Do you have any questions for them?
9. Why do you think they haven't been open to hearing more?
10. Might any of your siblings listen to this?
11. Could sharing this create more disconnect?
12. Is this an act of love?
13. Is this more about changing their beliefs or helping them understand you?
14. Are you open to talking with them about this?
15. Would you listen to any of their audio stories?
16. When was the last time you all talked about this?
17. Is this the final time you’ll try to talk with them about this?
18. Any last words here for your siblings?
Sean Wellington cares more about story than anyone I’ve ever met. He expertly guides people to find their best stories and tell them with heart and grit. He does this with no ego.
- Andrew Shelffo, Easthampton 
Elizabeth's Audio Story

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