Is This For You?

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Thank you for your interest in our work and taking the time to learn more. I'm really glad that you're here. I don't know how you found this or me or what you've been going through, but we're here. And I wanna share with you who we typically work with. If you have gone through or are going through something difficult and you wanna talk about it, not necessarily on a stage or on a Facebook Live, but with specific people in your life, who for whatever reasons you can't or perhaps don't wanna talk to, at least not.

about these things, but you want to let them hear your words, hear your story safely and privately where they like to listen to things online. This could be for you. The goal of this entire private podcast, and that's what you're listening to, is to share some things with you so that you can figure out if what we do can help you. That's it. You can listen at your own pace. Once you're in, you're in. I suggest you listen to this in order, the episodes. I made it that way for a reason.

You can check out the show notes for each episode. You can find our email. Please reach out to us at any time with any questions. And you can find a breakdown of what we talk about in each episode. I also want to share that over the years, we have explored and offered several services and products. And what we're offering here, which we started late last year, is my favorite. And I think our most important thing we've offered. Now I want you to know there is no pressure. There are no bullshit marketing tactics.

There is no fluff and there's no promises that what we do will make you rich or famous or enlightened. I can't promise any of that. What I can promise is that I'll be honest and transparent. That's what our work is about. That's what we expect from people we work with. And that's just how I roll. And I know it's not for everybody. But if it's for you or if it sounds like it might be for you, well keep listening. Finally, I'm going to ask if you make it to the end.

to continue the conversation. Of course, only if you want to. I recognize that we probably don't know each other, so I've got a lot of work to do, and I've got a lot of things to share. So in episode number two, I wanna talk about the problems that many people, including me, are facing and why we aren't talking or why we stop talking. And maybe it's a little uncomfortable, but the consequences of making that decision. In episode number three, it's a conversation.

with Elizabeth. It's the kind of conversation I might have with you one day. I want you to hear how I engage with somebody when we talk about these hard things. In episode four, I want to share a little bit more about me, who I am and how I got here because I think it matters. You know, we'll be working together. Episode number five are the details, all the things you need to know about what we're offering here and what it could look like for you. And then finally, episode number six, what you need to do to get started. So let's get to it.

Is This For You?

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