The Bald Guy

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Sean shares some more (and relevant) stuff about who he is (and who he is not), what he stands for (and against) and how he got to be in a position to offer this kind of service.

Why should people trust you?
Who is your ideal client?
Why do you want people to share hard stories?
What purpose does it serve? 
Does it help improve overall well being and mental health?
Does it equally serve both listener and storyteller?
Whats the difference between a crafted story and a conversational story?
Do we need conversation to get to heart of a story?
What led you to do this work?
What's the criteria for a story that matters?
How do you not judge?
What's the hardest story to tell?
What superpower do you wish you had?
Why is your social media - meh?
What would your manifesto look or sound like?
What lights you up? 
Whats an un fun fact about you?
Sean seems to know the secret to bring out the truth of each person's story with encouragement, compassion and enough pertinent questioning to drop the best out of your mouth. 
Linden Durrett, W. Virginia
The Bald Guy

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