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Alright, so you are still here. I appreciate that and I'm glad you're interested. This final episode is short and of course we need to talk about the pink or purple elephant in the room. So let's talk about money. Everybody's favorite subject or topic to talk about. I know. Should you choose to work with us and finally have that conversation that you're probably not having

and do that in a space and with somebody who's done this for a long time, a space that will be legitimately safe and comfortable, or as comfortable as we can make it, so you can really talk about this stuff and go deep and get really honest and maybe find some truths that you didn't know were there or perhaps had forgotten about, and add some, let's call it a narrative framework so things make sense to both you and your listeners.

and being able to share it with the people in your life who most want to hear them, who you most want to share it with, you will have security and they will be able to easily listen to it most places they enjoy or prefer listening to audio and have the option to easily access and listen to it again in the weeks, months and years ahead. I want you to get it out and I want people in your life to hear you.

I want you to reclaim this stuff, these stories. And yes, I want you to share it with people who you want to share it with. I realize I've said that a bunch of times. I don't want you to live or die with untold secrets or shame or never feeling like you could talk about these things. And I want you to feel less shitty and less alone and more understood. And I want you to help others feel that way too.

Let's do this together so you can set the record straight. As of April, 2024, the investment, or let's just call it price, is $1,500. That covers everything we talked about, the conversation, the editing, and then one of those other options, the micro website, one of the two kinds of private podcasts, or the YouTube video. Now, if what matters to you most is having that conversation,

and you don't need or want a website or a private podcast or any of that, and that edited audio file is enough, we knock off $500, so that would be $1,000. Now, if you want more than one of the options we talked about, so for example, that micro website as well as one of the podcast options, we would add $500, so that would be $2,000. There is one caveat with respect

to the price and this only applies to people who it applies to. We do have one slot per month available for folks who simply can't afford that. If that is you, please reach out. I want to hear a little bit more about what you're going through, ensure that we're a good fit and we will find a price that works. Now you may be wondering if there is any kind of guarantee. The answer is yes.

And no, no in that we provide a service and we charge for that service and we can't offer a refund for example because we're spending a lot of time with you having those conversations and editing and communicating. However, we very much make sure you're the kind of person right now who would benefit from working with us. I know that might sound like bullshit. It's not. One of the reasons I ask that you fill out that form.

is for us to gauge that or figure out if we're the right fit. Sometimes it's just too soon. The thing you want to talk about is too raw. It's a wound. Other times it becomes rather clear that we're not the best fit for you. There's other people or organizations out there that can likely help you better than we can. And as I mentioned in episode five, and in the show notes, I have provided a couple of other options. All that said, what I

The only thing I can guarantee is that we will work with you until you are satisfied. So if we need to talk again or tweak our editing or anything else, we will. Now I told you earlier in the intro that there are no bullshit marketing tactics and there aren't. I do want you to know a couple of things. We have six slots right now per month available. One of those slots is reserved for pay.

what you can. So for most of you listening to this, it's five slots and next month it'll be the same and the month after that it'll be the same and they'll come a point when we can offer more slots and we can take on more clients. But for the time being, we are limiting the number of people we work with. The other thing I want you to know about is price. $1,500 is really an introductory price. We started late.

last year through the winter and into spring, probably all of spring, we will keep it at $1,500. That will go up again. I can't say exactly when, but my plans are in the late spring, early summer. But should you want to work with us before then, we will lock you in at that price forever. So if you'd like to work with us again, talk about something else. That price will be locked in. So you will never pay more than that amount. Moving forward.

So, if this is something that you want to do, if this is something that can help you, if this is something you've been thinking about, if this is something that might help people in your circle, your family, your friends or others, do it. Obviously, you need to be able to afford it. That's just the way things are and that's the world we live in. And I'm operating in that world as well. Without apology, here we are. But please, even if you don't work with me, get this shit out.

somewhere and find someone or somewhere if you can and I realize you've probably been trying or you can get it out. If nothing else, do what I did several years ago and I still do it sometimes. Pick up your phone or another device where you can record and get it out. Say what you need to say. Maybe you send it, maybe you don't. Get it out. But if you do want to work with us, let's do it. And I hope to talk to you soon.

Thanks very much for your time. I really do appreciate it. And again, whatever you decide, I wish you well.

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