Your Audio Story

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Let's break down exactly how all of this works, what it could look like for you and answer some frequently asked questions.

All plans include our in-depth conversation, professionally edited audio file and full transcription.
Most clients also choose one of the following:

A. Micro Web Site (ideal if you'd like one simple link to share with your people)
B. Private Podcast (ideal if your people like podcasts!)
C. Enhanced Private Podcast (ideal for extra security)
D. Unlisted YouTube Video (ideal if your people never listen to audio)
1. I don't have anything to say
2. I don't think anyone wants to hear it
3. I can never do anything like this
4. What will people think?
5. Ive already done something like this
6. I don't have time
7. I can't trust you
8. I'm not into the tech stuff
9. Someone else might hear this!
10. Are you a therapist?
Sean, I don't want to end the day without thanking you for your kind words today about my story. What an amazing experience. I appreciate you and everything you do to help people learn to tell and listen to important stories. I hope you don't lose sight of how important that is when what I call night demons come. A really sincere thank you to you. I could never have predicted I would be doing this. 
- Carolyn Erickson (psychologist), Mexico
Your Audio Story

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